
Liz McKeon Tips to navigate Coronavirus

This too shall pass - 11 Tips to help you navigate through Coronavirus

аÄͼ¿â Business Expert Liz McKeon has put together 11 tips for beauty businesses, her wise words will help you through these challenging times. Follow Liz on social media for further updates and advice.

1. Don't be an OSTRICH by burying your head in the sand
2020 is a different world now - you need to accept it and steer your boat accordingly. No matter what you planned for your business in 2020 - it probably needs to change now. We have to adapt and make changes (and many are already being forced upon us). Constantly re-frame your understanding of what's happening and adapt."Great generals should issue commands in the morning and change them in the evening" - chinese proverb

2. Health is your No 1 PRIORITY
It is absolutely critical not to take any chances as you are the driving force and engine of your business. Be sure you are healthy physically, mentally and emotionally.

3. Your team morale
Your team morale will likely be down with market uncertainty and possible temporary salon closures. Good or bad, you must communicate with your team members daily.

4. Your clients
You have got to communicate with your clients (past and current) to assure and reassure them about your business status. Tell them what you are doing. Remember, they know and trust you - stay on their radar, via social media, newsletter and on-going marketing activities.

5. Reflection
Remember the virus is spread physically by people, but it is spread mentally by the media. Rather than watching the news over and over - you can take advantage of this slow period to reflect: spend some time thinking about your business shift. Think about those pending website changes or your next marketing campaign. Take advantage of this extra time to attend to those pending 'to do' items on your list, that you've constantly procrastinated on due to no time.Be ready for a changing world! When everything is back to normal this extra planning will accelerate your success and you will recover faster.

6. Shift your perspective
Every time there are massive universal shifts and changes, there are also opportunities. You need to be looking for the opportunities right now. What are the chances for you to do better?

7. Remain positive
In the current climate everyone is talking the same stories. People don't need more negativity. Instead they will naturally gravitate to the people and brands who are positive about what is going on.....so, be that positive person.

8. Adapt a not now attitude
Think about where to reduce your outlays and cut your costs. But, that doesn't mean you stop spending on marketing and business development activities that help your business grow. If you can stop spending on unnecessary things - do it now.

9. Secure your credit
Go and secure your extra cash to sustain, act now before it goes crazy. You may need an extension of credit to be able to fund your business during this time.

10. Shift your marketing to showing support
People are in panic mode and thinking differently, so you have got to be thinking about your marketing from that perspective. 
The most important question to ask yourself right now is 'how can we support our clients during this time'? Be helpful and people will always buy from you.

11. Keep Faith"
A bend in the road is not the end of the road........unless you fail to make the turn."When the recommended restrictions are lifted, you can look forward to an influx of business - make sure you are ready for it.Remember, this too, shall pass.

 Keep in touch with Liz, as she has lots of business survival planning strategies to follow.   

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