
Business support & insurance you can trust

Why join аÄͼ¿â ?

  • Consumer Confidence - Ð°Äͼ¿â is synonymous with professionalism 
  • Business Resources, Tools & Templates - to help your business succeed
  • Business Benefits - discounts for you and your business
  • Comprehensive Inurance Cover with NO excess (please note we do also offer business membership without insurance)
  • Communications - Ð°Äͼ¿â keeps members updated and informed 
  • Government Representation  - on key issues affecting our sector

We offer a range of membership options.  We arrange insurance that provides cover for treatments, teaching and products that you retail. Annual packages (inclusive of insurance) start from £59.00. Click on the image below to access the different Membership Options


Join Now 

Additional Member Benefits

Welcome Pack 

Exclusive Member Savings - worth £100+

Gain access to our BenefitHub for discounts and savings once you join


Free Listing on Find-a-Salon worth £95 

Business Tools & Templates and a Dedicated Member Helpline

Free Educational Forums (online & in person)

Advocacy & Campaigning