
COVID19 Support

The last year has been incredibly difficult for our members and the industry at large. This has been and remains an extraordinary time with unprecedented  & complicated problems and ever changing rules and restrictions accross all the nations of the UK.  We will continue, along with other invloved industry bodies, to highlight industry queries and concerns to government and update our members on an ongoing basis.

Over the past year we have also collated and provided ongoing business recovery support, resources, tips and updates, together with our experts and partners, to help you to navigate this difficult time so that when this tough time passes you will be fully prepared and equipped to make full use of all the opportunities that will arise. Some of these are available here and further Back to work Toolkits have been available to Members on the Members Lounge since before reopening last year.  Please Note: This Back to Work Toolkit will be update in line with New Government Guidance as soon as this has become available.

Beauty Backed which originally started as a campaign has now been set up as a Trust by Caroline Hirons. Our own CEO & Chair Lesley Blair has been appointed as a Trustee. Their initial goal is to support as many beauty professionals as possible to get back to work. For more information on them please

For further details on what аÄͼ¿â have been doing over the past year please click here

Latest Resources & Announcements


We continue to update our News section so please remember to continue to check regularly as we will be adding to this on an ongoing basis.For the most up to date announcements and guidance from all the devolved nations please click here 

Archived documentation from 2020 below

Important Notice Regarding Government Guidelines - as all the government bodies continue to add updates and amendments frequently to their guidance at the moment, we advise members to keep checking for updates as they do not always confirm when they have. Any government guidelines do have to provide a date for their last update and a summary of what has changed, so keep a check that the copy you have is the most recent version. 

Government Financial Support & Guidance

аÄͼ¿â Business Recovery Support 

Online CPD Training Options

Previous VITALITY Articles that are relevant 

Mental Health & Wellness

How can we all help? 

While this crisis affects all of us, this is the time more than ever to help those even more affected than we are. Whether this is a simple phone call to an elderly relative or friend or a client you know is all alone or vulnerable due to health conditions, these small acts of kindness may be a far greater gift to those receiving them. 

If you are able to provide more help either financially or by assisting perhaps with small donations of supplies (e.g. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you may have in your salons e.g. gloves, sanitiser, masks) below are some charitible options for you to consider supporting.